• Where from and to non-standard ways lead
    (History, Politics, Crises management, Human resources).

    ... In short I could add that we were seriously involved in Synergetics. Synergetics, in particular, as methods connected with biochemistry, chemistry, physics and applied sociology. It is actively applied in business and social processes, but not to the extent that we were using it back then. This was 15 years ago. Actually I've just given a little hint about the Synergetics and we have built our system, our theory...

    ...no from the perspective of contemporary cyber science. We found a principally different non-standard solution, based not on intellectual or behavior tasks but on communication task. I don't crowd my client with all the analysis but I communicate in a qualified way. And this is how I work with my clients order...

    ...I would reiterate that it sounds like a science fiction. As far as I understand this could produce a humongous commercial result. As we know personal computers appeared on the basis of interest to computer games. So in this context you could suggest some new virtual interlocutor or even "tamagochis" of a new generation. Such "emotional computer" is quite as real as me sitting before you. It has its own character, its commitments and reactions. And although I know many psychologists would argue with me on these sorts of estimates - I would insist on it because in the long run we will get not a human model with its psychology but an independent essence - but with these particular qualities....

  • Childhood - is that a mysticism or a malady?
    Provocation of personal experience.

    ...At the age of 4-5 I subconsciously tried to understand some global sense of life of the adults. Behind the notion of life for me there was a very complicated notion of WORK, performed by the adults...

  • How does social conscious relate to the facts which lye beyond existing paradigms?

    ...The inertness of social conscious is so strong that the theory of relativity was exposed to "burning" discussions and arguments (far from professional), the first Christians were crucified, and Van Gouge couldn't sell his single painting and so on. What are the grounds, principles of such an attitude towards the world - not more and not less?...

  • META-MOSCOW - is that a model or life?

    ...The biology of living organisms pays a lot of attention to different rhythms, cycles, biological clock modes and bio energetic zones which influence the internal state of animals and plants, making them change inhabited zones, sense the beginning of a blooming period, reproduction and roaming, find a place for raising following generations and so on. In fact, when we rest in harmony with everything living, our life flows more smoothly and we achieve assigned goals much easier...

  • About one vague story, which still stays vague...

    ...Unique manuscripts had been brought from Tibetan expeditions as well as people who'd been passing on the knowledge (at those times there were a lot of people who sympathized with a young republic). Nowadays we have access to some information about the mystic circles of the 20-s, and one of its initiators was ...

  • Old notes.

    ...In his anthropocentricity , the human is also reluctant to cognize (this is the root of the inertness of common scientific paradigms), and just wishes to self-establish in his knowledge as well as in the volume of this knowledge...
    ...While the idealists keep on trusting only facts - so called materialists, on the contrary in their summaries seek their support in the fully arbitrary ideal thesis...

  • An alien insight, or why somebody is interested in the distanced and the unusual?

    ...So ranging from ideas to practice, what can be a dominating motive of a human being absorbed into fields, which could be defined as non-standard? The following directions loom out...

  • Between the Absolute and the Universal.

    ...The Universum is self sufficient and all that happens in it depends on its comprehensive quality and the internal organization, the Hierarchy of the Phenomena works for the purpose of retaining the homeostasis of the Integral...

    E-mail:  CSIN-Fund. 2001-2003.   

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