Childhood - is that a mysticism or a malady?
Provocation of personal experience.
Smart adults sometimes picture the world of a child like
something different, full of a lot of colors and
interconnections to the extent of perception of reality as the
beyond, lost in the following adult life. The orthodox
pedagogic practice, on the contrary, considers a child as an
undeveloped adult, gaining more and more new abilities and
problems of life in a society. Both points of view are more
than single angled. I have kept in my memory the completeness
of a child perception, thinking and conscious and often
noticed the existence of the same feelings both for children
and some adults with a good and complete memory
The whole picture looks like this:
Thinking in a childhood age is not developed strongly as
a fact.
By thinking I mean the ability of the induct and the
deduct, the ability to create logic constructions and attract
multifactor information from the memory - this is all that
characterizes the intellect. In my opinion even the most
developed intellect does not necessarily mean developed
conscious, it is only "numeric abilities and skills",
something that can be modeled by computer.
The child's perception is more whole and at the same time
variable, than what it becomes further on. Besides, from
looming images, more familiar to the adults, the child can
catch a number of alien happenings (the phenomenon of the
beyond). It is emphasized by stress factors, when fear in the
dark room appears. Even not too sensitive child can use the
telepath very well, not by guessing concrete thoughts but by
intuitive forecast, that almost can't be noticed for the lack
of distracted motivations.
It's not difficult for me to revive now all my feelings
"photographed at the certain moment of childhood and really
amazing things come up like complexes of colors-smells-sounds,
spaces filled with "auras" of nature, streets, psychological
states of people, relations between them and their attitude to
me. At the same time in the very "focus" of child's thinking
only a small schematic picture stays and this scheme reminds
of unstructured "framework" which draws through the perception
of an adult and ranges from weakly balanced between each other
"spots" and "ideas", which is so clearly visible on children's
I would like to draw two examples. I was 5 years old when
some time in the evening I was drawing the complex of
figurines off a bronze ash tray. It was a wonderful process of
creative work, in my view I made a perfect copy of these
figurines, took some time to reach perfection and then I
decided that this clarity of an image was almost
photographical (I could see it without any "buts"), it was a
rare experience for me. My parents had guests at this time and
I went to show them my drawing. I was very happy with it and I
was filled with a feeling of creative harmony and at that
particular moment I consciously was feeling through all the
peculiarities of the state of people who were getting
acquainted to my drawing. And I felt that they were seeing in
it something else, they didn't admire my achievement to the
same extent, and that I was stroke by it. My perception was
vaguely covered with something different, that didn't distort
it and it wasn't wrong - just different.
I've been relishing this drawing afterwards through and
through but each time I showed it to the adults sometimes the
strange mix was appearing. When I finished my album and put it
off in the table under other ones, the effect was forgotten
and I stumbled across this album when I was 16 when my
perception "matured". The effect was amazing! Instantly the
same feeling that I had when I was 5 years old was revived,
the ash tray with figurines was resting not far from the shelf
- and... This was the most regular child's drawing, clumsy,
with terrible distortions. But this present perception was
mixed with my child's feeling, the seeing of the drawing and
that of the model. But it felt right too.
Another example. I was 6 years old and we had an
assignment in the kindergarten to draw a tree. I had a clear
idea of how the tree was created: a stem with branches
sprouting off it with leaves on them. I was consistently
drawing it - not the summit, but many, many leaves on branches
and clearly see that nonsense coming out of it, some sort of a
tree on its stem but definitely not the way it looks.
Moreover, I was bedazzled by my failure to draw that piece
from the stem to the branches on the summit: the stem looked
like a stick on top and branches stick out in two directions.
But I knew that in reality it was not this way (I already had
my inclinations to realism). And then a struggle between the
poor thinking which doesn't want to let go the advantage of
taking the object apart and perception that is not able to
differentiate between needed and not needed, doesn't know what
criteria it should use to perform abstraction, because there
is a lot of details and each one from the view of perception
is exceptional and meaningful for the harmony of the whole.
Back then I couldn't solve the problem; however the
realization of it for that particular moment was stuck in my
head. Moreover, after it I found in a pile of drawings made by
classmates a drawing with a tree with a summit which was drawn
by some girl and then I had realized my mistake and what I had
to do.
Smart adults can say that you can clearly see the
aberration of a child's perception in these examples, its
instability, and inaccordance in parts. However, but I would
have disliked the "photographical copy" in several days that
would have fallen apart - inconsistence means accidental
inaccordance, randomly changing. One more interesting detail:
the drawings of some children seemed to me as wonderful and
others' ones really rough, but on the latter ones there was
logical dominating effect just like in that drawing of a girl
that I have learned from to abstract the perception.
So, though children have different perception, it is
based on one fundament and this fundament is the completeness
of such a versatile vision. The other thing is that child's
meanings of reality are randomly which is different from those
ones of an adult who stereotypes the reality. An adult knows
which dimensions all objects have - a child comes up with
these dimensions on his or her own and they stay as such
during some time. With socialization this quality gets lost.
But memory fully confirms the availability of this phenomenon
(just like the research of archaic cultures, in which social
stereotypes hadn't been strengthened).
But in the reality does a child choose these dimensions
from the perceived world by him or herself? Yes, to draw what
the child sees is complicated - there are no technical skills.
But sometimes in the drawings - and also stories in children's
reminiscences - loom out the contours and dimensions of some
different reality than those, perceived by the adults, who
already formed their civilization.
I would say that a known perception is based on FORMS -
not the dimensions, let alone the contents and substances.
Each person is educated, taught, trained - to perceive,
memorize, know - how and what looks like what and how it
SHOULD interrelate, what contents are contained, which essence
should there be. Those who are familiar with the concepts of
phenomenology and specifically developed idea of perception in
the works of K.Kastaneda, know how to complement this thesis
The civilization has invented its own world and has
memorized it by heart. The contact with substantially
different cultures emphasizes this fact. And everything
extraordinary in those cultures is called "mystic" or
"primitive". Hundreds of researches and thick books are
dedicated to this theme. But the civilization is stubborn in
its perception of the world and every one who has entered it
becomes its fighter for its view and perception.
This once more is easier for control and adaptation. To
come out of this control is more than difficult - it is
implanted near the very core of conscious. If you try to break
perception you will break the conscious and end up in the
mental institution. I am not going to make an allegation that
schizophrenics are people with "different perception". No,
these are the victims of a tough control and domination of
existing points of view, which crashed their conscious against
But let's get back to my memories.
My thoughts in the early childhood constantly hung around
one question: why should I do something that makes me one of
the links of an existing system, even for the sake of material
or mental goods? I was only 4-5 years old and my parents
raised me teaching to make certain acts for "carrots" and
rewards and then they would take these rewards away. I saw
bluffing behind this very soon. I didn't have any possibility
to call it somehow and I still had to get some sort of energy
- but I considered it extremely foolish to waste it on earning
the similar energy (analogy with "business for business") it
was far more interesting to spend it on "catching myself";
burning it off and I constantly lacked it. And I was very
reluctant to return back to where I'd started and live among
my regular "leftovers of myself".
Then I started to "catch myself". During my daytime rest
hour in the kindergarten and in the summertime at our summer
house when I as 6, I started to make two sorts of experiments.
One was exploring the abilities of my system as some sort of a
device, which provides me with information. When I was looking
with one eye at the blanket and the other one was focused
above it I was getting two simultaneous images and trying to
keep my concentration on both. As a result of this I realized
that not everything that we see with our eyes is what we can
see, perceive at this moment. I didn't have an idea about the
category of "the organs of senses" but I have included brains
that processes these received incomplete information.
I didn't call this state "false" but I have accepted it,
gave it a place and was very surprised why people blindly obey
their feelings or (that was later on) consider the environment
as a mix of illusions. I remember the case when at the same
kindergarten a boy was telling a story about a person who
found a mine in a river and thought that it was something very
interesting, picked it up and it blew up. I tried to explain
to the boy that nobody can know what the person thought at
that particular moment when he instantly blew up - but the
storyteller was unable to unbundle this mix of imagination and
lack of the reality facts.
My second experience at that age was just forming and I
was working on it when I was already 12-14 - this was the very
process of "catching myself". It was an obvious thing: if you
have a thinking observer who projects the outlook at the
thinking processes, then you can find even a deeper point that
will be also observing. When I caught this point, I was
catching the next one looking at this one and I was keeping
the whole system of coordinates simultaneously. This way the
structure of several levels was appearing - 4-5 levels higher
from a regular visual perception and then something special
loomed out.
This was a core that felt like zero, but at the same time
it was a portal into something boundless to something that was
the very "me", a small absolute of my conscious. Even now I
lack adequate notions for this description, whereas the
catching of this state was giving me the effect of some sort
of over completeness and peace of perfection. The most
important back then and always the realization of micro
absolute feeling gave the feeling of a complete absence of any
fear, something that was close to danger. It was obvious for
me that nothing can happen to this core, this real "me". The
rest was psycho, emotions, state of health, body, nice or
uncomfortable feelings, thoughts and ideas, wishes and
actions, my name and other people's attitude towards me - this
all will always stay something exterior, important only with
regards to something similar to this exterior, short lasting,
and not mine. This was given to me for a period of time under
certain conditions.
I have to admit that I constantly lacked energy for these
regular experiments (I even lack it now) because most of it is
spent on developing the micro absolute. In the beginning it
was not so conscious, I was a child, at the surface a rather
passive one, who didn't want to make any effort without any
invisible benefit, an interest not understandable for others.
In my childhood I had a struggle of understanding that it
was impossible to get energy without deserving it and a
reluctance to spend what I have and a wish to get more for
free. This way, the principle of physical strength initially
fell out; even in physical things with other kids (I had only
few of them) my tactics was to grab the rival as hard as I
could, and possibly block the movement and then wait until he
would get completely wasted trying to detach from me and
somehow punch me. But it never came down to kicks or punches;
as I understand right now this was the spider tactics with
draining the energy (I even still remember the feeling of this
draining channel) and afterwards nobody wanted to deal with
me, taking me for some strange, ugly, not sociable weird kid.
If I go on remembering about the street fights then I
used more psychological tactics. Then there was a really
obscene case when we were straightening things out in the yard
(I was 17) when a boy broke my nose in blood, and I spread my
blood on his hand and face. This completely shook him off
track. To put it short, for my "higher goals" I had to solve
my energetic tasks in an unpredictable and extraordinary way.
At the age of 4-5 I subconsciously tried to understand
some global sense of life of the adults. Behind the notion of
life for me there was a very complicated notion of WORK,
performed by the adults. At first it really was "work" as
means of making a living; for almost 6 years this started to
develop some sort of political hint to it. I was aware that
for people some kind of expansion of their lifestyle was
important; that's why we have wars, there are different states
and countries - in a form of realized expansions. Inside the
state people make a living on a very high standard, expressed
by the majority; this is done by fair or unfair ways. By
saying fair I mean the conquest for the status, at which a
person can fully perform his/her role.
Well, I never explained it to myself in such a consistent
way, but this particular point of view was reflected in my
games, where I consciously realized the motivations of
everything imaginary. I would emphasize that I divided
characters on "good" and "bad" according to the criteria of
their relevance in place, a competence so to say. "Bad" could
have even more power but having this or that status in society
they could only enjoy existing benefits, suppress, they could
not create or rule by means of multiplying the benefits.
"Good" spent their energy on creating (even with the help of
miracles) and that's why sometimes they experienced lack of
energy to confront their destructive conquerors. However, by
struggling for their place back off the "bad" ones, they
destroyed their defense systems. I would admit that my
educational background in the atmosphere of class concepts of
the USSR had a steady imprint on the logical cover of my
The ability to self-consciousness of a child is limited
by the abilities to abstract and is connected with the forming
system of values. At 6-7 years of age a stable meaning of
benefits for the body system and personality is being formed:
to live for things and possess something material, to get
satisfaction from energy fluctuations between people and the
system itself, to control the organization of events and
actions around or far away, to sense yourself as a
concentration of contacts and trajectories of reasons. These
are the worlds: the material, energetic, informative. Or maybe
the sense of being is in realizing yourself as a core of an
absolute, that came to this world and should skip through it
... to where and for what?
Maybe I still don't understand something, but it seems to
me, that to use some higher possibility and perfect quality
for fulfilling functions, which are more than effectively
performed by creatures-substances of a more simple structure -
is nonsense, similar to hammering a nail with a fragile glass
appliance. That is why people (and it is very understandable)
have to cover their "glass" with proof cases, and to
primitively sustain their fragility. However, for the real
harmony everything should be in its own place.
I remember one of my earliest observations were about the
funerals. It was remarkable, because ever since then I'd never
got to observe it, and back then it didn't have any direct
connection to me. Of course I've seen some funerals and many
of my friends and relatives died but I have never taken part
in the ceremonies and never joined the process.
I was about 4 years old, to be precise I was a bit over
three and I could see the process of the funeral from the
windows of the flat where we lived. At first I heard strange
music, sounds, came closer to the window and asked my mother
what was happening. Mother answered a bit confused as if she
was drifting away from the question and I distinctly remember
the feeling how scared she was to traumatize me with such
picture (although I had no idea about all notions, used here
). But I kept on developing the interest towards the process,
I already knew that people died and were buried, and I asked
how they'd do that and mother said that "a dead man would be
brought to the cemetery and will be buried in the earth". I
asked my mom who that man was. She pointed at the coffin that
was placed at the back of the truck and I for some reason kept
on asking where the man was. She said that was the green man
and he was brought to the car". And I started to look through
the people, the distance wasn't great and really in some
strange way I saw a totally green man, who was seen off to the
car and being sort of carried to the cabin of the truck, to
the driver's side. In my memory I distinctly kept this "off
vision" feeling. And now when I am reviving it I see some
non-material image - is it related to the dead one I am not
sure but I don't have the slightest doubt about it being
related to my mom's comment of "some green man".
Concerning death itself, the explanation that a human
being disappears was beyond my understanding. For a rather
long period of time I haven't had the slightest idea, and I
was raised in a very materialistic way, my parents were
atheists, especially my father, who worked in the system of
soviet science and sometimes he would make scandals over any
religious moments. I was initially very interested in any
myths, conjectures, and fantasies.
I didn't have any doubts that I wouldn't die, or
disappear with the death of my body. And how could I possibly
imagine all this to myself, if I already sensed that the very
"I" is connected to the body as it is to clothes, at 5-6 years
of age I already found out that body elements got renewed all
the time and reflecting on it I felt that every other minute I
was different. While I had some fear of death, imposed on me
by the adults, who cried and suffered talking about the death
of their relatives; but the fear of death associated in my
mind completely with the fear of pain that could be
realistically sensed, this was the physical pain and that one
of the soul. I've been afraid of the physical pain for quite a
while. The disappearance of conscious was impossible for me -
it was almost like it was breaking all laws, even physical
ones. At that time I didn't have the slightest idea about the
Soul and God.
Although, God appeared very soon. I don't remember when
exactly but since 8-10 years of age I had a clear idea about
Alien Gods that co-existed with my perception of some incoming
from above Mind - more of an Observer than a Creator. (The
latter was a second priority because I thought I could create
anything I wanted if I had a gift of super magic).
Indeed, it was exactly the Observer - even when I was 6-7
I used to tell him something, especially my fantasies or
sorrows just as much as children talk to themselves. At that
age I already knew about the duality of personality but when I
analyzed my senses I realized that I was addressing something
external in one-way only (I never heard any voices) and
because nobody was "there" I used to justify myself that it
was comfortable to cope with my problems "through the mirror".
What was important is that I sensed the presence of the
Observer and I sensed that the Observer was absolutely the
same as I and He had "technical possibilities" that
substantially prevailed mine: those of the mind, perception,
memory, magic (this "magic" for was back then absolutely the
inalienable possibility of Mind's influence on the world,
maybe super natural, but surprise as it may seem material
possibility was just like space technologies to the human of
ancient times.
And when I first found out about the existence of the
irrational, I heard "The Lord's ways are unknown" - for me it
was quite natural and reasonable. And the real-micro absolute
mind can have the internal independent and unexplainable for
others irrationality, logic, a special character of reasons
and results which it sets before itself. And this Observer
differs from my own micro-absolute with advanced development
and scale of abilities.
When I connected the comprehension of the reason and
result, reality with the presence of the Super Mind which
obviously doesn't play the last role in the existence of this
world, I realized, that maybe it made sense to address it. One
important detail: the Observer impartiality was related to the
fact that it affects the world not in some material way but
through direct human addressing it (this was exactly what I
sensed before but read a lot later on). And now in some
critical situations I started to address it spontaneously even
"pray" and search for "compromises" like "a vow and praise"
with this Observer.
Being always interested in history and history of
culture, especially ancient one, I used to look for one or
another image of my Super Natural Interlocutor always knowing
that it was just a beautiful and impressing conditional image;
I addressed them like Zeus, Buddha, Osiris, Christ and Allah.
I used to come with some sort of sacrifice ceremonies,
miniature but very decoratively performed I used to perform
invocations and ceremonies where I was the priest and praying
person at the same time; I knew for 100 % that all my requests
would fulfill only if they were really meant to happen but all
these short and ecstatic ceremonies gave me strength and the
spirit of participation in some big fate especially if I
couldn't realize any of my wishes.
And most importantly: behind all these symbols I clearly
perceived one Essence and even all these different Aliens who
were the missioners of the Common Reason (Mind). I remember I
even used the following argument in my requests to the
Observer: nobody respects you like me in all your forms;
nobody knows that you are Zeus, Christ and Allah!
I don't know if this was all the manifestation of some
psychic effect, like an analytical division of "I" "Super me"
and "It" or role division of a "child", "parent" and "adult".
I used to ask myself this question long before I heard about
science of "psychology" or some sort of "psychoanalysis" and I
couldn't relate to myself as a religious person - "maybe this
was only an internal effect"?
It was quite a strange feeling: realizing the existence
of the Observer - and skepticism related to the surface
agreement with any sort of religion. I could easily get
confused in this kind of state if it wasn't for my separation
of "me-the micro absolute" from the rest of the human world
and my "psychological" one. This was almost like something
irrational, indescribable but it was a pure material fact; it
would be easier to doubt the being of things and all the world
(something I never did by the way), rather than this.
As for death... All the scary words connected with it
such as "murder", "death", "persecution", "agony" - weren't
related to death but more to life, a very painful life, bloody
and hellish although not to my own life I hoped. The scary
image of the Scull with empty holes and a scythe was nothing
but a myth like an anti- Santa Clause -and the most real
non-being after the vain life had the most vivid and the most
filled with feeling of freedom - that limitless full being
just like a very familiar core of the micro-absolute "I"
hiding at the backstage (in the corners) of the mind state.
So, I didn't have enough energy for a regular exchange of
conversation. Up till 8 years of age while we (me and my
parents) lived far from Moscow, I never had any depressions on
the basis of lack of energy because I had an opportunity to
gain strength without any physical moves. I used to do it with
the management methods - I was pushing the situation ahead,
triggering it off to find myself in the middle of it without
being the very center of it, which had to give something in
its turn. I called that back then to be an "adviser" (even
better to use the term a secret adviser) of a "commander".
(Later on I came across the image of a "grey cardinal" that
corresponds to the image of the best, but for some reason I
didn't like it.)
It worked this particular way in all groups from the
kindergarten, then in our house yard (it was a bit more
difficult, there was no constant circle there, at school).
This effect reached its peak when I was staying in the pioneer
camp (the analog of American "boy scouts camp"). I had a
complete power out there, being invisible and independent.
While becoming an irreplaceable assistant or at least a
myrmidon for a leader - I gave out the information about my
control and took the energy of the leader who always had it in
abundance; I never communicated with other kids because I
wasn't interested in the forms of regular communication with
others. Moreover, when I found myself on a common level I used
to get scrutinized because, I never gave back enough.
I used to spend the part of common "exchanged fund" of
energy on conscious that I was happy to offer for business -
but it turned out that nobody needed it. Nobody was interested
in conscious, they were only interested in the action for the
sake of action but this was senseless to me.
Recommendation: If you wish to raise a highly conscious
person, don't teach him or her even don't let him or her to
act actively. But you also can't give your child too much
information - actions with some alternative information will
replace the external life. You need a spontaneous control
development on situations. The recipe is almost that of a monk
- but without separation from the world, the society.
So it worked out this way that I used to close up and I
was an "unsocial kid" with "complexes" (I am using quotation
marks with everything that is said in these cases, although
sometimes I could see better than others what and how things
should be done but I couldn't do it based on the "ground
zero"). It was rarely that people asked me a piece of advice -
and here was I sitting on top of the world, everyone
recognized my talent of solving situations but when the
situation ended, my pressure was getting everyone confused,
almost scared. And after these cases people subconsciously
avoided me for any type of business.
Thus at the younger age I already had a reputation of a
strange talented unsociable person and selfish
"knows-it-everything". Till some certain point in these
situations I was very offended that people didn't understand
me - especially when I had the most sincere intentions to
help. But back then I didn't realize that to help without
people asking for it was impossible - "the road to hell is
paved with best intentions".
In this sense I had some bad luck with my parents. They
loved to boast away my achievements and they used to feed and
relish the cases of my exclusiveness everywhere they liked it.
Along with this all, they constantly tried to squeeze me in
the regular social frames, sort of train me and educate me.
The attempt to train me was my major torture (both on
mental and physical levels) which led in its turn to the
physical super sensitivity. This is understandable: the
control developed the anticipation of danger and naturally I
had to include my integrity in the whole environment. By the
way, for that same reason I never liked any sorts of
traveling, trips - it was all unknown there, uncontrolled and
sensitivity stayed on a very high level.
So I couldn't fit in these ethics of conditional notions,
it was very painful for me like tearing away my piece of flesh
to say hello to a person I knew or to say "thank you" if I
didn't get an appropriate portion of energy beforehand. And in
the presence of parents all this energy was going away to them
(especially to my mother), they took it away from me
instantly, because I was their property (they used to tell me
all the time). It was more or less ok in the ethical sense
with guys that I had informal relations with, but with the
adults I was becoming very unsociable and ignorant. I used to
get all these punishments in the form of restrictions and
threats, and my sensitivity was growing and physical
punishments transferred it to the physiological level.
My bad health was an additional factor of self-defense.
First of all it appeared (when I was 8 years old) with my
growing sensitivity, secondly it justified my reluctance to
make any physical moves, which caused instead of fatigue a
state of depression and irritation. And my maladies, aches and
pains gave me an excuse to distance myself from everyone, to
be not like "others", even sometimes in a negative sense but
there was more harmony to this.
Because of insufficient ability to summarize in my
childhood I never made any conclusions about my
"exceptionality" - I had enough contacts and most of the
energy was given to me by parents even though I had to fight
for it very often.
I suffered from the fear of loneliness only till the age
of 6 and I used to have it only when parents didn't show up in
scheduled time. I could sit at home before the scheduled hour
of my parents' return day long. This could be explained by
control of conscious: instability was growing inside of me
with some unknown. I also didn't have any energy or strength
to bring in some new people the control zone, I needed a well
known stable situation - this is related to my parents, my
attachment to them even, the painful one.
So I didn't have any feelings of exclusiveness so far.
Everything was happening unconsciously (besides my
psychological experiments, where I didn't see anything
special). When talking of self conscious in my early childhood
I can clearly see the border between what was natural for
everyone and a range of my senses and feelings. Just because
nobody was talking about these feelings, nobody implied them -
they were falling out of any conversational context although
they played a direct role in my life. And of course, at that
time it seemed to me, that everyone had it happening this way.
I'd had this opinion up until the age of 10-11.